Construction report

This is the report of the original construction initiated in 1958, written by the handicrafts teacher who organised the project, Fred Dimery. The pool opened officially in June 1961, although without full changing and toilet facilities for some months. It was a very impressive feat, and writing this in 2012 it seems highly unlikely that it could be repeated today, with modern regulations; what a shame.  But, as a direct result of the experience, a number of the boys involved went on to get jobs in the building industry.

It is a pleasure to record that the civil engineer who appeared at just the right moment to design the reinforced concrete, Jim Wood, was involved about twenty years later in the design of the base and other civil works for the solar panel, and gave advice about the foundations for the retractable enclosure. He was one of many local people who assisted with, and gave their time to, the construction of the pool.