And the gold medal goes to..

May and June have both splashed by, and we are paddling close to August too now. It seems appropriate to stop and tread water for a bit, catch our breath, and have a look back at how things have gone so far. Certainly, we have had some problems this season, but we are learning all the time, and have had some great achievements. The gold medal should definitely be awarded to the opening of the pool. From the situation last October, when Stroud District Council decided they could no longer run the pool, and had to hand it back to Wotton Town Council, the pool looked set to close. Yet the people of Wotton backed the plucky Swimming Pool Club, who offered to use even more of their time at the pool: not just volunteering to supervise a few sessions, but to take on the humungous task of being responsible for the full operation – if the town wanted them to! The backing of the town, shown by the referendum, gave huge support and energy to the volunteers of the Swimming Pool Club, and a long winter was spent analysing figures, drawing up plans, and at many, many meetings, discussing the pool. The culmination of this effort was rewarded by the tremendous sense of pride when the pool first opened to the public (a session earlier than expected!) under its new management, on April 30th. What a triumphant first few splashes they were! The new management had managed to open the pool, with lower prices; a brand new pool paint system coating the tank, and refurbished changing rooms allowing more privacy in the ladies and new toilets in both, not just on time, but early! The efforts of Wotton Swimming Pool Club and the associated Limited company (providing the legal weight and official credence) were recognised by the Prime Minister at the Big Society Awards in May. This was a huge accolade to the efforts of Wotton Swimming Pool Club, and was highly deserved. For the Miss Minnow Awards of 2011, I would like to present the Gold Medal for highlights of the Wotton Pool summer so far, to the the achievement of the opening of the Pool on April 30th. Congratulations! Miss Minnow